congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jubla, Jeopardy &
12/7 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jubla!
05/6 New results...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Cata, Dixi, Harper-Lilly, Ikon,
Jackpot & Jeopardy!
Congratulations to Margrethe Thomt
Brukshoffet kennel (Norway)
to a lovely litter of 9
puppies in all three colors. Dam: Brukshoffets Baronesse
Blixen & Sire Bergenhovs Harpo-Wild.
congrats with result from Bergenhovs
The award "Bergenhovs Most Active" and all the
outher awards for the last year 2017 is finally completed. You can
see all the winners here >>>
The second of March Bergenhovs Jackpot became father
to 8 strong & healthy puppies, 6 boys & 2 girls in all 3 colors in
Farmwatch Kennel UK.
Isalynn van Elderens with all her pups
29/1 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jubla
7/12 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jackpot
6/11 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jackpot
5/10 New results...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Harper-Lilly & Jackpot
13/9 New results...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Beatrix, Cata, Ikon, Indy & Jackpot
15/8 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jeopardy
5/7 Camp...
Bergenhovs Kennelcamp 1-2 July!
2 intensive days of dogtraining
in Falkenberg, south of Sweden. In the evening, thekennel celebrated its 10th
anniversary :)
You can see pictures here >>>
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Harper-Lilly
13/5 New results...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Edie & Bergenhovs
New pictures of
Jackpot who live in England. Louise & "Cash" train for
working trials where several types of jumps are included.
Photo: Louise Nichol
1/5 New results...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Edie & Indy
Amazing news from Susanne
Ortmann & Bergenhov's Edie! In a short time they have scored
another two really good results in OB3!
In addition to this they received an
approved result in Elite Class (highest class) Swedish working program (tracking & obedience).
To their previous titles, they
can now add SPHIII!
The little girl has grown up to be a superstar! Photo:
Gert Straschewski
9/4 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jeopardy, Cuta & Edie
Bergenhovs Jeopardy
advanced to the next level in the Swedish working program (tracking
& obedience) 3rd place with 199,5 points, April 8th. It was their
debut in these contexts
and I´m sure we are going to see a lot
more from this lovely team! Pictures from the happy day below!
14/3 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Ikon.
3/2 Awards 2016...
Every year,
we have the great pleasure of showing our appreciation & support to the
most succesful dogs from our breeding. You can see all the award winners
for 2016 here >>>
Congratulations to you all!!
Congratulations to our lovely J-litter
who turned 3 years January 31!
Bergenhovs Jackpot
23/12 New results &
puppies in France...
October 15 Bergenhovs Elvis Junior father to 11
puppies at "les
Hovawarts de Kerdianou" Mother: Hiskea Vom Schwedenstein.
October 22 Bergenhovs Iver performed the Swedish
mentaltest (MT), approved 325 points!
Bergenhovs Iver
November 19 Bergenhovs Iver, Imse, Iggy & Ida-Lee
passed the Exterior examination.
10/9 New results &
mentality test...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Edie, Ikon & Jackpot
dogs from our breeding has done the MT in Falkenberg, Sweden August
the 7th. 5 out of 7 were approved and with very good results! Swedish mentality test (MT). Together with approved
exterior examination the dog gets the title KORAD Bergenhovs Harpo-Wild 491 points
Bergenhovs Harer-Lilly 479 points
Bergenhovs Iggy 486 points
Bergenhovs Indy 458 points
Bergenhovs Ikon 402 points (KORAD, since he has the exterior
examination done allready)
Bergenhovs Imse 306 poäng (not approved)
Bergenhovs Ida-Lee 234 poäng (not approved)
Pictures from all the attending
dogs are visible here >>>
9/8 New result &
Kennel Camp...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Edie.
Kennel Camp! We have had some absolutely wonderful days
together with friends from Bergenhovs team! This year we focused
entirely on obedience and we had a very comptetent instructor
Jessica Johansson from "Game on Puppy" in place.
One of the highlights of the camp was when we paid attention to
Marie-Louis & Bergenhovs Benz "Rocky" for their amazing achievements
in 2015! They have achieved excellent results in both obedience and
workingtrials and participated in SM Patrol Dog! This total made
them the winner of the "Bergenhovs Most Active" trophy!
Many thanks to both Jessica and participants for these fun days, and
an extra big thank you for the nice gift we got from you all!!
Hope to see you again next year!
Marie-Louis Backström & Bergenhovs Benz "Bergenhovs Mest Aktiva"
under 2015!
30/7 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jackpot.
Louise & "Cash" passed the Siver CGC test! The Kennel Club Good
Citizen Dog Award!
General obediance type exercises in everyday situations. Now they
will work towards Gold in September :)
16/7 New result...
congrats with result from Bergenhovs Jackpot
Some new pictures of Bergenhovs
Antek who will be 9 years old this fall.
8/7 New
congrats with results from Bergenhovs
Some new pictures of Elita vom
Scherpher Häusel
23/6 New results...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Edie, Ikon & Elita vom
Scherpher Häusel!
Susanne Ortmanns &
Bergenhovs Edie has had a very successful weekend at the National
Championships for Hovawart 17-19 June in Hofors, Sweden!
On Friday they competed in OB3 with 269,5 points & on Saturday they
competed in the "Swedish workingprogram" (tracking/OB) higher class
and they won the class with 510,5 points! Which meant they were
appointed National Champion in both obedience and in work!!
Fantastic fun and we look forward to what you can accomplish in the
"Swedish workingprogram"in the future!
My lovely girl Elita vom
Scherpher Häusel has performed 3 really good results in OB2 in a few
weeks, she received the title LPII! (Swedish Obedience Diplom for
2/6 New
congrats with results from Elita vom
Scherpher Häusel!
Elita & I have been at a very
interesting and fun class over a weekend teaching us "play and
reward development"!
Below you can see a videoclip from the class, Elita´s favorit play!!
27/5 New results......
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Ikon, Elvis Jr & Elita vom
Scherpher Häusel!
Bergenhovs Ikon has done his debut in
Rally Obedience. 6th place (22) & 90 points (100).
I and my lovely girl Elita has done our debut in OB2. 1th place 185
Christian Boulan & Bergenhovs Elvis Junior "Fletcher" has once again
done an impressive performance in Ring 2 (french protectionwork)!
They scored 225points with note "Very Good"! Below you can see photos from the
day taken by Martine Dedier!
10/5 New results...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Edie & Jackpot!
Bergenhovs Jackpot living in UK, 1st
place Open Dog, and then Reserve Best Dog at Birmingham National
show May 6! Congrats!!
are also busy training the Working Trials and for the first stake CD
(Companion Dog). Probably, the easiest way to describe the sport of
Working Trials is to say that it is all the exercises that are
required of operational police dogs, but carried out under test
conditions and open to all.
5/5 J-litter...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Edie, Jenka, Jubla,
Jeopardy, Joker & Jippii!
National Show April 30 in Jönköping, Sweden. Judge: Eva Eriksson.
Bergenhovs Jenka, Jeopardy & Jippii were
shown in open class.
First time ever Jippii visited a dogshow! He handle him self
very well but he had a hard time trotting in the ring, it was more
of jumping! He was rated "Very good"
"Masculine male, balanced over all, very good type, correct bite,
well-shaped head, typical ears, very good body and bone. Moves
crowded back, and a bit unstable in the front, good coat and color "
Jeopardy did his debut in adult class, he was rated "Good"
because he only trotted a few steps. "Masculine male, correct
bite, well-shaped head, a little smoky tan markings on the head,
well set and carried ears, excellent body and bone structure, good
back, good, angles. Good coat but slightly wavy, messy movements
when he shows ambling, shows only a few steps at the trot "
Jenka was rated "Excellent". "Feminine excellent bitch, correct bite, well-shaped head.
Beautiful expression, excellent body and bone structure, could have
a little more fore chest, good angles. Beautiful coat and good color,
free movements. Wish more attitude"
After the show the J-litter (the ones
living in Sweden) executed the Exterior Examination. They were all
Jenka, Jubla, Jeopardy, Jippii & Joker
21/4 Congrats...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Edie!
Susanne & "Edda"
continues to impress, a weekend
with two very good results in OB3!
On Sunday's contest they end up on
first place with 298 points!
Lovely way to start of the season!
12/4 Congrats & new
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Edie & Bergenhovs Jubla.
New pictures of
Elita vom Scherpfer Häusel & Bergenhovs Ibsen.
12/3 Congrats,
camps & pictures...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Benz.
Some new pictures of the siblings Jenka & Jeopardy who just turned 2
years old.
28/1 Awards...
Every year,
we have the great pleasure of showing our appreciation & support to the
most succesfull dogs from our breeding. The award "Bergenhovs Most Active"
for the most versitale dog
is the biggest & most prestigious price and the receiver has achieved
successes in several different workingtrials.
Some of them deserve some extra
Bergenhovs Elvis Junior & Christian Boulan have made
history! First
Hovawart ever taken titles in French
Ring Sport!! (french protectionwork)
May 16 in Thuit Anger, France they did their debut in Ring 2,took 3:rd place (7) with score Excellent!The only Hovawart amongs all the malinois!
Bergenhovs Edie
& Susanne Ortmanns made a big impression by winning the
biggest international obediencecompetition of the year, 1:a place (35) 298 points & CACIOB!
1 month later they took another 1th price in OB3
which qualified them for the Swedish
Championship in Obedience (all breeds)
History is written when "Edda" is the
first Hovawart ever who gets selected for the Swedish national team
obedience!! Unfortunately, a tendon put stop for both the World Cup
in Italy, and the SM in Sweden but "Edda" is young &
Susanne is very diligent with the
rehabilitation so we have every reason to believe that they get more
chances to compete at top level!
Bergenhovs Benz& Marie-Louis Backström
have really proven their
versatility in the year 2015! 1th place at Regional
championships Armed Forces Patroldog qualified them for the Swedish championships
Patrol Dog (all breed) 2015, which they participate, and ends at a
22th place. Earlier in the spring, they were promoted to elite class
(higest class) in the Swedish workingprogram and in between they
have also conquered the LP II!! (Swedish obedience diploma level 2)
"Rocky" is the first dog from our breeding who got promoted to the
elite class in the Swedish workingprogram and the first dog that
participated in a Swedish Mastership!!
Full list of the winners in the
different categories which vary from year to year depending on how
many have been active during the year are presented here
18/12 B. Ikon ...
congrats with results from Bergenhovs Ikon.
Bergenhovs Ikon (Jago Vom Hundsbühl - Bergenhovs Crea)
23/11 B. Harpo-Wild ...
NO UCH Bergenhovs Harpo-Wildfather of 12 puppies November 20th at Elliegårdens Kennel, Sweden.
For more details visit http://www.elliegarden.se/
Bergenhovs Harpo-Wild (Antares vom Vierseitenhof - Beauty VD
Sander Höhe)
11/11 B. Jackpot ...
Jackpotliving in
Englandhave been onanotherexhibition,
this time they were
placedsecond. Well done Louise and
good luck on further shows!
"19 months, dog. Very well
put together dog. Lovely broad head, with correct muzzle
proportions. Good bite. Nice ear set. Strong neck, well balanced
body, strong topline on the stand. Good depth of chest. Straight
legs both front & rear on the stand. Lovely coat. Good length of
tail. This boy was just full of fun today on the move. I wasn’t able
to assess a steady gait either coming, going or in side gait, which
was a real shame" Judge: Miss Nicola Singh
Bergenhovs Jackpot (Bruce VD Mattsieser Burg - Bergenhovs Dixi)
Photo: Louise Nichol
2/10 J-litter ...
J-litter has completed the Swedish
mental description (MH).
They all have excellent play drive
with good bite & grip.
Very friendly and happy individuals with very lively temperament!
Jester, Jeopardy, Jippii, Joker, Jubla
& Jenka
You can see a lot more pictures from
the MH here >>>